Friday, September 18, 2009

Dreaming: A Most Important Activity

Greetings, all, from Oslo, Norway. And while it might make sense to just ooze all the stories of 12 hours (roughly) in Europe, I'm going to resist that temptation for at least just a few more moments, and capture instead the thoughts I would have shared with you if you had in fact been sitting next to me for the 12 hours of flying prior.

I would have told you all about how this trip was a dream--not like Martin Luther King, but an musing that pranced around my head last week. The flights were cheap--seats were plentiful, and I had time. And that was enough. For nearly 3 years, in my quest to appreciate the 'real world', I squelched such imagination and curiousity behind desks and copy machines. When I looked again at the flights--everyday the same price, the same discount award seats available--I realized that I could be both behind that desk and in front of opportunity. The two, as it turns out, are not mutually exclusive after all.


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